Saturday, March 9, 2013

The truth #2

"Every girl deserves a guy who respects her and every guy deserves a girl who appreciates his efforts"

some words to the boys:
 it's simple..
treat your girl as how you would want your dad treat your mom,
your future brother-in-law to treat your sister,
and your future son-in-law to treat your daughter

Friday, March 8, 2013

Women's Day celebration

happy women's day for all women in the whole world~

Real women don’t look like the ones displayed in the magazines. They’re much more beautiful and interesting. It’s too bad they don’t feel that way themselves.

my friends===>SUKSIS #2

a night to remember~~

p/s: not that night's picture

it just a really good memory to remember..
although i don't really know the seniors..but the ta'aruf session make our relationship better..

and i'm glad i'm on duty last night..

something i learn that night:

"No one is in control of your happiness but you; therefore, you have the power to change anything about yourself or your life that you want to change"

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Hepi Burfday my dear friend~~

today is my friend's birthday~~

Fieza Macjosh

making her a surprise and can see the bright smile on her face
i really don't know how to wish birthday face-to-face, so i decided to give her present and card~~
 Click to view
hope she like it... 

my wish for you:

"Be the girl you’d want your daughter to be. Be the girl you’d want your son to date. Be classy, anything but trashy"

Start study!!

Click to view 
i really need to focus on my study now~~

Click to view
The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing. So, i need to keep my mouth somewhere else...and start study right now...

Sad story #1

Birthday Girl with Birthday Gift
it is really sad when...
your friends doesn't even remember your birthday but they remember another friend's birthday

Broken Hearthow should i describe this? how do i treat my broken heart?
 is it wrong for me to feel like this? oh my GOD...this is not right..

Bandaged Heart Clip Art Image

"Friendship doubles your joy and divides your sorrow", better abandoned those bad and sad feeling i had~~

mY sWeeT 21 ❤❤❤

Big Birthday Cake 
 i really wish to have this cake on my birthday...

oh my GOD!! my age keep increasing...

mY fRienDs===> Suksis #1

these girls always make me crazy~~

"There are people we meet in life that make everything seem magical. Cherish them."

The truth #1

Funky Pink HeartPerempuan lebih suka mengaku dah 'berpunya'
sedangkan masih SINGLE

Berbanding lelaki yang sentiasa mengaku 'single'
Kids on a Teeter Totterwalaupun ANAK DAH DUA